Saturday, January 16, 2010

Pants on the Ground Original

Last week's American Idol ended with guest judge Mary J. Blige and the others judges getting a big laugh from General Larry Platt. Platt said he marched with Martin Luther King Jr in the sixties and saw this as an opportunity right the wrong that these young kids have done to the struggle. The General's chant, "Pants on the Ground" is a call to the young to pull up their pants and stop looking like "a fool".

Simon said, "I have a horrible feeling that song might be a hit". Boy was he right! Immediately following the shows airing the Internet has been serving up original and remix renditions of the song.

Here is the original airing...

I call this group of people Penguins because that is what they resemble penquins when they walk with their pants nearly at their knees. If you ever seen a penquin run, it is the funny thing I ever seen. But is not all fun and games, some people take this very serious. Some police departments have done just that>

Flint Police Chief David Dicks, 41, started a movement against the sagging pants back in 2008. Pants pulled completely below the buttocks with underwear showing is disorderly conduct; saggy pants with skin of the buttocks showing is indecent exposure, and saggy pants, not completely below the buttocks, with underwear exposed results in a warning. Either way, officers are allowed to search offenders for weapons and drugs.

What are your thoughts on the matter. Is the "pants on the ground" movement of the young a slap in the face of the progress that we have made for civil rights? Are the kids just expressing themselves? Are they just proud that they have clean underwear on and want the world to know?

Here are some of the audio remixes: